Paul Leonard
Issue #92 - September 24, 2001
This edition of Sky Studio is dedicated to Paul Leonard
who joined former colleagues in Sky Studio, September 22, 2021.
A decades long list of broadcasting coworkers, scores of advertising clients, hundreds of players and staff on sports teams, thousands of following fans and other radio listeners will all have kind, personal and often humourous recollections and reflections of Paul Leonard.
Following the 1977 merger of Algonquin and Hyland companies to make Huron Broadcasting, Paul and wife Carol relocated from Queen Street and became part of the 119 East St broadcasting operation, with Paul being CKCY radio Sales Manager. He also had roles reporting sports and doing hockey play by play. Previously, Paul was station manager at CJNR in Blind River when Algonquin Radio and TV also operated CKCY, Sault Ste. Marie, CKNR in Elliot Lake and CKNS, Espanola.
His wife Carol Leonard joined former colleagues in Sky Studio, January 8, 2021 and now loving husband and wife and a grand broadcasting team are together again.
Wherever he worked, everyone will recall Paul’s daily enthusiasm in all his roles. He smile was always on and there was never a time he was too busy to have a chat, be supportive, offer help and cheer on others.
His morning sportscast was always a commanding performance with his authority of delivery, knowledge of material and the backup resources of the station’s sports staff. His play-by-play broadcasts were engaging, accurate, reflected the excitement of the game and made listeners feel they were in the seat next to him watching the action he so vividly described.
That early morning start to the day was followed by devoted attention during the regular working day to his advertising clients who could always count on him to get the best value for their budget and work with them regularly to get best results. He was never more than a phone call away when they needed him. Paul’s work ethic was highly regarded and respected by everyone, including competitor salespersons.
Working hard was matched by playing hard and Paul was never shy about having a beverage but also generous making sure those around had full glasses too as they enjoyed his sense of humour and camaraderie. He was a joy to be with at work and having a beer.
Long time friend and colleague of Paul is Frank Kennedy of Blind River who recalls getting his broadcast start from Paul around 1970, “Paul Leonard hired me when I started working for CJNR. Every evening at 6:30 pm we used to air the World Tomorrow, with Garner Ted Armstrong. I had just introduced the program and hit play on the tape recorder. There was no World Tomorrow. I hadn't turned off my microphone yet, and I screeched to the engineer: “Jesus Christ, where in the hell is Garner Ted Armstrong!!” Suddenly, realizing my mic was on, I went into a panic mode and got the program on air. I saw Paul the next day, and he said that was a pretty good comment when my program didn't start but recommended to me the next time it happens I should just say, ‘One moment please.’” A perfect story to show how a dynamic and energetic Paul was also a gentle soul in his guidance to others.
Special Announcements
LEONARD, Joseph Jean-Paul - Obituary - Sault Ste. Marie - Sault Ste. Marie News (