Karl Sepkowski
Issue #93 - January 22, 2022
This edition of Sky Studio is dedicated to Karl Sepkowski
who joined former colleagues in Sky Studio, January 24, 2022
Local news broadcasting will never again produce legends and possibly never again will legends come from major market and network news broadcasters. Karl Sepkowski is among the last of an era across the country/world who commanded such attention, authority, audience, and respect. We are fortunate to have lived in the era when such legends, through talent, hard work and a passion for the news business, ensured their community was informed and, along the way these dedicated individuals like Karl made their way to leadership positions. There, they set standards, hired, and mentored others who, in turn, carried what they learned forward and made their way to various broadcasting positions and related professions.
For over 50 years Karl contributed to his community by helping it be aware of and understand developments that affected it. Beyond Sault Ste. Marie, his stories often found a place on CBC, the Globe and Mail and other provincial and national outlets as well as being recognized by an award from the Radio Television News Directors Association, a professional broadcast journalists’ organization he was also President of in the mid-1970s.
One time competitor on the news beat with Karl, veteran Sault Star reporter Elaine Della Mattia, penned an excellent article – link below - tracing Karl’s broadcast career from being an all-night disc jockey to becoming News Director and television anchor. Reflecting on Karl’s mentoring, she notes that, “He often engaged in political debates with younger journalists, offering them stories, tips of the trade and advice from his many years of experience.”
Life-long friend and colleague, Russ Hilderley told Elaine it was Karl who got him into broadcasting. Russ too had a career that was also long, stellar and in his case, culminated with radio station ownership. Russ provided Elaine with some detail on the start of Karl’s full-time career in broadcasting that she includes in her article.
In an email exchange I (Art Osborne) had with Jeffrey Ougler, District editor/multimedia journalist and veteran Sault Star reporter, I complimented him about his on the scene coverage of a trucker convoy as it rolled through the city on its way to Ottawa. My message included an observation that it was the kind of event Karl would have been in the middle of getting interviews. “It's interesting you mention Karl,” Jeffrey replied. “I approached that assignment with Karl in mind and how he would have done it. Stand tall and be confident. I did.” That very clearly shows that Karl’s influence carries on.
Jeffrey also posted this on the Facebook of his retired Sault Star colleague Tom Mills, “I remember my first brush with Karl not long after I arrived in Sault Ste. Marie nearly 24 years ago as a young Sault Star reporter. I'd never encountered anyone more effective working a scrum, asking very tough, informed questions yet always well-mannered. A great journalist.”
Following high school, Russ recalls, “I was privileged to be his Best Man for his marriage to Sheila so many decades ago,” and on broadcasting he says, “To put it in the simplest terms, he introduced me to the ‘passion’ he found, in the career he ‘discovered’ in his teen years!! His passion for broadcast journalism was contagious! I became infected on the first day I walked into his newsroom! It was all-consuming! A cause at times, for regrets but over a lifetime, worthwhile accomplishments.”
Former Sault broadcaster and at one time, radio News Director, Jim Cronin says, “Karl was my boss, my mentor and most importantly my friend. In 1971 he took a chance on an 18-year-old college student who knew nothing about broadcasting or the news business and gave me my break. I will never forget that life changing decision. Whatever success I’ve enjoyed I owe in large part to Karl.”
Another former broadcast journalist, Joe Petrolo recalls Sault Ste. Marie’s great broadcasting corporate change in 1977. “Probably best to begin when Algonquin and Hyland merged and a ragtag bunch of broadcasters were poured into the same pot. A lot of uncertainty and fear when I first walked into the studios on East Street. Karl was already a legend and it was a little intimidating but I quickly learned that there was nothing to fear. Karl was so calm no matter the circumstances and nothing seemed to rattle him. We worked early mornings together and I was in the newsroom ahead of Karl to prepare the first newscast for six. I was on the FM side and Karl on AM. Most days he would stroll in with just minutes to spare but that didn't matter. The audience heard that trusted voice delivering the news of the day and I was fortunate to watch and learn under his leadership.”
Paul Fockler, a long-time broadcast manager with Hyland Radio and Television, then Huron Broadcasting and later radio station ownership, gives us this description of Karl. “He was akin to a shark sensing blood in the water... he had an innate curiosity for news and a nose for a worthy story, and in pursuit of that story, he was relentless. When he returned to the newsroom to punch the keys on his cranky old Remington typewriter, he was energized and enthused. In the end his balanced reporting earned the respect of management, labour and most importantly, the community. Among others in the media, Karl characterized the voice of reason in the Sault. To be fair, the local news coverage overall was exceptional but Karl’s coverage stood out. He also had a keen sense for potential staff for his news department and was an astute recruiter, bringing many talented men and women into the newsroom and mentoring them. Above all, it was always a pleasure working with Karl. He was a hard-working and earnest news reporter - I was fortunate to be a colleague and a friend.”
Sault's Sepkowski remembered as 'authoritative' voice of broadcast | Sault Star
Sault Ste. Marie Broadcast News Legend Passes Away | SaultOnline.com
Sault Ste. Marie’s Oral History project includes an interview with Karl conducted by former colleagues and friends Russ Hilderley, Jim Cronin, and Art Osborne.
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