A full-service public relations, communications planning and marketing practice for the corporate, professional  business and institutional client.  A unique blend of experience and skills provides leading edge guidance that achieves results advancing your organization’s objectives.

Providing assistance to help others to see things your way, increase organizational productivity, minimize/manage threats and maximize opportunities

Benefit by experienced counsel in -

Communications planning — issues management, crisis communications, public affairs strategy, government relations

• coordinating communications, advertising and publicity to achieve results
• press release writing/distribution
• strategic planning/facilitation
• building support in various constituencies
• specific proactive planning to minimize/eliminate crisis and resultant damage
• reputation enhancement and management
• community relations program design

Media planning/training

• spokesperson interview and media presentation skills training
• how to maximize no-cost media opportunities       
• how to develop integrated multi-media communication plans


• market research/analysis • survey design / implementation/ tabulation/analysis
• image creation • collateral material development
• marketing plan development

Social media

• assessment of your current presence/needs
• design, implementation and sustainability plans for all online tools 
• integration with overall strategic communications plan

Organizational communications

• improve morale, productivity and team work
• coordinate internal and external messages
• communication audits
• research/writing releases, reports

Multi media productions

• full coordination from idea to design to final product — custom video, animation, audio (specilization in podcasts)   
• web site design consultation, layout, writing and marketing
• print materials, photography, logos
• integration with overall communication plan
• materials distribution and implementation planning to get results

As an example of a corporate communication strategy, this report was produced under contract for the City of Sault Ste. Marie: main report / Art Osborne, Lyne Gagnon-Ruscio, Joan Endersby.

LS2 PAC (ssmpl.ca)

Emergency Management Communications

Emergency management is the generic name of an interdisciplinary field dealing with the strategic organizational management processes used to protect critical assets of an organization from hazard risks that can cause events like disasters or catastrophes and to ensure the resiliency of the organization within their planned lifetime.[1]
- from Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergency_management

Art Osborne is a trained and experienced emergency management professional ready for pre, during and post event assignments including onsite disaster/ emergency dispatch.

Worked with the Ontario government and trained with Red Cross and Salvation Army Disaster Management Teams> Dispatches to forest fires, floods and experienced on an Ontario provincial emergency exercise, all provdiing background that will be of interest to government aghencies, not for profits and private sector.

As a former Provincial Information Officer for Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services of Ontario's Ministry of Natural Resources, experiences included interaction with various provincial officials as well as those from other jurisdictions in Canada and the United States.

The position also included assignment to Incident Command Teams and dispatch to emergency events within and outside of Ontario.

Per position description:
- “Plan and coordinate the implementation of outreach and communications strategies including communication planning, media and public relations, outreach initiatives as well as development of communication and promotional material”

- “To support contentious issues management by preparing responses and coordinating briefing notes for the Minister, Deputy Minister and other ministry designates on a variety of issues receiving media coverage and public attention”

• Project Lead on: 125th FireRanger anniversary; S 403 Information Officer training course development; Strategic Branch Communication Plan development/implementation

Specialized training:
Introduction to Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services - Salvation Army Supervising Disaster Workers course - Red Cross Basic Emergency Management (BEM) course - Emergency Management Ontario BEM Instructor course - Emergency Management Ontario Supervising Disaster Services course - Red Cross Providing Relief Assistance to Clients, disaster management course - Red Cross S-403, Type 2 Incident, Information Officer Course (1 week) - Great Lakes Forest Fire Compact Complex Incident Management Course (1 week) - Great Lakes Forest Fire Compact

Memberships Current/Former:
International Association Emergency Managers www.iaem.com
International Association of Wildland Fire www.iawfonline.org
Red Cross www.redcross.ca

Consulting and Voice Work

Available for voice work – commercials, narration (documentaries, promotional videos, books and more), podcasts, social media.

Add voice to your marketing mix in radio, television, social media campaigns and podcasts.

Interviewer services available for your documentary, family history, corporate video.

Writing services to match your needs also available.

Broadcasting background as radio d.j., news reporter and television interview show host.

Available directly or through www.voices.com


Consulting services for design and execution of public relations and marketing campaigns for business, government, corporations and not-for-profits.


Video productions planned, coordinated from start to finished product.

This video is one I coordinated/produced with Patchworks Productions for St. Mary’s Paper featuring: Ron Stern, Norm Facey, Marc Dube and Jim Miller. It was part of an integrated communication campaign involving mill and forest tours, printed materials and various media campaigns. 

It now serves to provide insight into what was a once thriving, prominent paper mill, the site of which is now home to the Canal District featuring popular concert/event venues, bars/restaurants and a music conservatory.