Josef Erschen
Issue #72 - November 2018
This edition of Sky Studio is dedicated to Josef Erschen
This edition of Sky Studio is dedicated to Josef Erschen, who joined his former colleagues in Sky Studio November 17, 2018 at age 93.
Every time I saw or talked with Joe at the station he was always, always smiling. His pleasant demeanour still comes to mind immediately today, maybe 40 years or so since my last encounter with him.
He was the guy everyone called when something needed fixing. And, he was always prompt and efficient. When things needed touching up or a total painting job was needed, Joe was there dressed in his whites as I recall, and got the job done. Joe's job description from General Manager Russ Ramsay was, "Always have a wet paintbrush in your hand". Joe frequently doubled as late-night camera operator and/or boom mic operator. Humble and quiet, popularly known as "Little Joe" or "Joe the Painter".
My recollection is he always felt comfortable with all of us - to some, broadcaster types seemed intimidating - but to Joe, we were just folks. In turn, he was always pleasant and friendly with all - everybody liked Joe.
His home country Slovenia was occupied and annexed during WW II and as a young man then, that chapter of his life was likely quite difficult. As the Special Announcement points out, he was happy to start a new life in Canada.
Being about 25 years older than a lot of us at the time, our antics must have sometimes seemed weird to him but again, I remember him always being amused at and with us, never judgemental. Seems to me he shared time with us beveraging at The Vic occasionally.
The reference to music in his ‘Special Announcement’ isn’t a surprise and I’m guessing the music - live and recorded - surrounding radio and TV was fun for him.
Joe was a part of the tightly interwoven tapestry of unique people and talents at 119 East Street and we wish him Godspeed to Sky Studio.
‘Special Announcement’
Sault Star story:
Post Script: A bit eerie - I was thinking of Joe recently as I worked on a Supplementary Sky Studio list to be issued that will add about 30 names missed over the years. While compiling that list, Joe’s name came to mind and I wondered if he had slipped away to Sky Studio without our notice. At about the same time as I was thinking that, he was leaving us but, we noticed and remember him, as we remember all.