George Jonescu
Issue #71 - November 2018
This edition of Sky Studio is dedicated to George Jonescu
This edition of Sky Studio is dedicated to George Jonescu, who joined his former colleagues in Sky Studio November 17, 2018, age 84.
One of the last grand masters of broadcasting, one of a very few to which the descriptor ‘legend’ could rightfully used and who has left a legacy of entertainment, motivation and memories behind, joins colleagues who have signed off from earth studios.
There will be quite a welcoming by broadcasters from across the country, the big bands will play and studio lights will be bright as George Jonescu steps into Sky Studio bringing his own glow to the stage.
Everyone of the Hyland Radio and TV broadcasting family at Sault Ste. Marie’s radio and TV studios at 119 East Street learned from George. He was a broadcaster’s broadcaster whether it was the classical ‘Masterworks of Music’ on CJIC-FM, the ‘Special Announcements’ just before noon on CJIC-AM, live coverage of high school football home and away football games and on supper hour or late night CJIC-TV sports, he was always the consummate professional.
All of us who were on-air admired his ease of delivery, his mellifluous voice, meticulous pronunciation, enunciation, authoritative style and, for many his masterful ability to ad-lib.
For an annual Christmas staff party video an ‘interview’ with then Greyhounds star Wayne Gretzky was staged. George asked a ‘question’ that took many twists and turns and went on and on, without a note or script. It was magnificent to see and hear him weave the words. At the end of the question, Wayne delivered his response. “Could you repeat the question?”
His many speaking roles in the community were also legend whether at an arts, entertainment or a sporting event, including many, many awards banquets.
Beyond broadcasting, George played a key role in Hospitality and Travel Sault Ste. Marie (HATS) leaving his career in radio and TV for a couple of years to become its leader.
George has a place somewhere among the longest serving broadcasters in the country being on the air for close to 70 years, a veteran of radio stations in Montreal, Sault Ste. Marie, Barrie and Toronto.
Lloyd Walton, acclaimed producer, director, cinematographer, artist and writer who was in the Art Dept at CJIC-TV in the ‘Golden Age’, gives us permission to use his reflections he provided for a tribute being done for George.
“I first met him when I was a bat boy for the CJIC Micros, the station's softball team. I remember him as being very kind, to me just a kid, and very funny.
“CJIC Radio and TV personalities were regarded as "stars" in the community, and George was a star. He exuded a love and knowledge of the music he presented and when assigned news or sports commentator for both radio and television, he was authoritative. He had a passion for the music he played. He'd be in intense debates about the merits of various musicians and styles which made for entertaining and informative radio.
“While I was a student at the Ontario College of Art I had a summer job in the Art Department of CJIC Radio and Television. Even though I was a student I was very touched by the respect given to me, still a kid, by someone of his stature.
“Over the years our paths crossed a few times. I still always looked to him as a Star. But I was always impressed by the fact that he not only remembered this kid, but confirmed the special bond we shared having worked in the golden days of local radio and television.”
(A print advertisement designed by Lloyd promoting George and John Rhodes is shown below on this page.)
George started, mentored and encouraged many in broadcasting and other fields of endeavour, a part of his lasting legacy.
In December 1975 George gave a hungry-for-radio teenager a part time job on CJIC-FM. Bill Allard, on air as Kris James, is now one of the longest on-air voices in Toronto - 35 years - and a part of George’s legacy. Kris comments, “Another mentor gone. Takes me back to that building on East St. George was the first person to hire me as a 15 yr old still in high school. Never saw anyone better at working a room and he was a master. Just the fact that he did radio for over 65 years is hard to comprehend.”
In the 50s and 60s, many names of note worked at CJIC Radio and TV including Helen Arvonen, a Sault author of international note who was published in the French and Dutch languages, writing 15 novels. Her published works were sought after in the British Isles, France and Denmark. Helen was also a script writer at CJIC Radio and Television in the late 1950’s, working with Grace Pitt, George Jonescu and Rita Tuckett. Helen wrote all the commercials. What an era of 'greats' in one place at one time.
Long time broadcaster and radio stations’ owner in Sault Ste. Marie, Russ Hilderley says he was moved to tears as he wrote us his comments.
“The news of George's passing is suddenly very emotional for me. George Jonescu will never die. HE was the inspiration for me to "one day" hopefully becoming a broadcaster.
"I was in my later teen years, and often listened to "House Party" on Saturday nights on CJIC 1050. I'd crank up the volume of my dad's 1952 Chev. pick up ...."cruising Queen Street" with a chum, looking for "chicks.”
“After closing up "Bars" (Barsanti's Restaurant across from the Carnegie Library and old City Hall) and Piner's on Gore Street....we parked and decided to go see "our favourite DJ George" if we could get in to the Studios on East St. Surprise SURPRISE....the door was not locked....and we climbed the stairs to the control room studio...and peered through the glass. Wow...There HE was live and in the flesh. I stood mesmerized.....he was intro'ing a popular tune called "Hearts of Stone" and "dedicated this marble valentine to........(a female fan).
“I was bowled over by his clever phrasing....and at THAT moment, a spark was ignited in a bonfire somewhere in my brain! The Jonescu effect, eventually led me to becoming SCI's High School reporter on Gerry Pearson's Saturday morning School news roundup (on CKCY).
“As the years rolled by, George continued to "set the standard "!
His clever adlibs were always unique and memorable.
“Remember George's involvement as the "Celebrity Carpets" on air remote announcer? Everybody suspected he had shares in the carpet company! He promoted the products and people associated with Celebrity Carpets SO effectively, it couldn't help BUT be successful.
“An acquaintance (female) years later....who had dated George described him in glowing words, as a gentleman....and a gentle man .
“His leaving the Sault , came as a shock to all of us back then. His departure left a lot of us selfishly saddened. Our mentor at the mic, was "moving on!”
“Sky Studio now, has a star's brilliance casting a Jonescu glow on the rest of us , when our time comes.”
James Warner Smith, a well known radio personality with Rogers Radio posted this info quoting a ZOOMER radio Toronto spokesperson, Frank Proctor saying, “George passed away early Saturday (November 17) morning. There will be a special “I Remember George “ program next Sunday (November 25) evening which I’ll host along with George’s son Robin. I hope you will join us.”
“Special Announcement” obituary link
Many comments and reflections on Facebook
Media stories
Randy Russon, Sault This Week
Sootoday, Sault Ste. Marie; OrilliaMatters, Orillia; Bradford Today, Bradford
Sault Star, Sault Ste. Marie
Post Script - the ‘I Remember George’ special on ZOOMER Radio November 25 was a beautiful four hours of gentle reflection lead in large measure by his son Robin, whose wit, voice quality and delivery style echo George.
Sault resident and part time sports broadcaster in the 70s, Frank Donnelly was able to get through on the phones to recall George’s time here doing high school and Steeler football play by play.
Michael Allen posted this on FB: “I worked for George doing Sports at CJIC in Sault Ste. Marie back in the 70's. He did Sports, a Talk Show and a show called "Masterworks of Music". Commercials and Voice Overs for Kodak in the U.S. on the side. Many people talk about his voluminous knowledge of music but, for me, it was the VOICE .... that AMAZING, made for radio VOICE. Heard him on ZOOMER recently and it hadn't changed a bit. One of the best in the business ..... a life well lived.”
I added this to the ZOOMER Facebook in an effort to represent his years in Sault Ste. Marie:
“Of the 25-ish years George spent in broadcasting in Sault Ste Marie, it was my pleasure to spend 10 of those with him during the 1970s in AM, FM and television.
“It’s been referenced but I’d like to amplify George’s capacity, generosity and interest in nurturing talent of all kinds… junior broadcasters – he started and advanced many careers; athletes – he encouraged many, helped match their abilities with scholarships and as a result helped launch many sports stars; in addition to broadcasting and sports, anyone needing advice or a hand, George was there.
“CJIC was a launching platform for many broadcast legends, including … Mac McMcCurdy, President, Standard broadcasting; Don Simms, CBC; Harvey Kirk, CTV; Eric Thorson, CFRB and many more. Then, along came George in the mid 50s, and another legend was on his way. George in turn, nurtured another generation of broadcasters including one of the longest on-air voices in Toronto today I think – Kris James, of his 43 years broadcasting, 35 of them in TO – was hired out of high school in Sault Ste Marie by George who recognized a young student’s talent and a hunger for the business.
“For an annual CJIC AM, FM and TV staff Christmas party, a pre recorded video ‘interview’ with then Sault Greyhounds hockey star Wayne Gretzky was staged. George asked a ‘question’ that took many twists and turns and went on and on, without a note or script. It was magnificent to see and hear him weave the words. At the end of the question, Wayne delivered his scripted by George response which was…. “Could you repeat the question?” A funny bit, and it was all George.
“There’s a written tribute to George, some comments about him, some photos of his time in Sault Ste Marie and links to news stories on my website
“It’s of significance that almost 40 years after leaving Sault Ste Marie George’s reputation and giving nature are still held in high regard and still talked about. He’ll be talked about in glowing terms for some time to come. That’s what happens with legends.
“From Sault Ste. Marie, thank you George for all your help, contributions, entertainment, community giving and, the memories.”
Additional posts are here: