Terry McPhee
Issue #105 - January 2, 2024
This edition of Sky Studio is dedicated to Terry McPhee
His laugh would be among the very first things most would recall as well as the good nature behind it. The smile radiating a genuine ‘great to see you’ was sincerely welcoming and helped start up what always would be a fun, enlightening and sincere conversation.
Sky Studio has a very bright star with the addition of Terry McPhee, age 68, who joined his broadcast colleagues December 29, 2023, leaving us all the glow of fond memories and friendship forever.
He started with CJIC in television first in the production end of operations and later in radio as what Program Director Art Osborne referred to, with a smile, as one of his ‘weekend whiz kids’ doing evening shifts in the early 1970s while going to high school. “Terry was well suited to a microphone with his blistering fast wit, enthusiasm, and love of music and his audience. Our times together, along many others, on the Rotary Club Easter Seals Telethons were a joy, working together on-air blessed with a terrific production crew, but especially because we had the opportunity to interact with of the stars of the shows, the children, youth, their parents and families. Decades later, some got together online in a message group and called themselves “Terry’s Kids” to keep in contact with him, demonstrating just how much he meant to them.
“His ad lib ability was spectacular and was known in Easter Seals circles around the province as legendary along with his extraordinary giving nature and Terry was recognized with Rotary’s highest award for all of that and more.”
His giving nature extended to service, fraternal groups and performing groups (highlighted in his ‘special announcement’), support for community causes and, in broadcasting, as one of the hosts for Easter Seals Superthons, television productions that raised thousands of dollars for the Sault Rotary providing services for youth with disabilities.
As a teenager he played football causing some problems requiring knee braces from time to time. In later years those knees would give out as other health problems began and for years got worse leaving him immobile, blind, and requiring weekly dialysis.
Even in earlier days as those challenges advanced, his good nature still shone and as he moved into a career with Ontario Lottery and ultimately as manager of the Sault Ste. Marie Casino making his way around the facility in his motorized wheelchair.
Jacob Woods, 1986 Timmy offered some reflections and asked his thoughts be presented as coming from all “Terry’s Kids” as he recalled, “I have vivid memories from my childhood regarding my friend and one of my heroes- Terry McPhee. As a child every March, I was always a part of The Easter Seals Telethon. After our segments us Easter Seals kids always wanted to stick around, not because we wanted back on TV necessarily, but it seemed to me that Terry was like the good, giving side of Robin Hood.
"He, Frank Gardi, Lou Turco, Art Osborne, Jill Braido, Jim Cronin and all the others plus, the production crew led by Jerry MacDermid, who made it all work. To me and all the ‘kids’ it seemed like there was magic in the air. Terry knew how to gently insist without being too pushy or offensive. Even after two long days Terry would thank each one of us for coming down. Terry, you'll be very missed I'm sure, by many people. I love you my friend, RIP... keep the fireside burning on the other side, I have many stories to tell.”
Joe Petrolo worked with Terry in broadcasting as well as Ontario Lottery. “Where does one begin with Terry. He was such a large presence. You knew when he was in the room. Broadcasting, radio to be exact, is when I first met Terry and he's certainly someone you don't forget. The years went by and we pursued different careers but our paths crossed again when Terry was hired as General Manager at Casino Sault Ste. Marie where I was employed at the time. He was now my boss. "Hey Big JP" were his first words to me. It was Terry who coined that phrase many years before in broadcasting. A tribute to Terry's time as GM is a heartfelt acknowledgement of the strong leadership and positive impact he had on the team and beyond. Terry took the time to learn about his employees and provide support and guidance when needed. Illness cut short his time as GM but not the impact he had on the organization and its employees. Terry's legacy will live on in all the lives he touched.”
Another colleague in broadcasting and with Ontario Lottery, Jim Cronin recalls, "I loved co-hosting the Easter Seals telethon with Terry for a number of years. He was the ultimate showman and knew how to get the phones ringing. He was great with the telethon “kids” and we watched them grow up on the air. I wish I had been able to spend more time with Terry through his illness. I will cherish our luncheons when I was able to drive him to the restaurant where his broadcast buddies were waiting. Even with failing eyesight he was able to identify everyone by their radio voices. He will be missed."
Broadcaster and former radio station owner Russ Hilderley recalls, “Terry and I shared several uncommon and deeply held mutual interests. He easily bonded with radio station "on and off-air" staff during his time as a promising announcer. His (teenage) talent at the "mic" playing the "HITS" of the '70's, was an asset on which CKCY could rely, to reach the 18-24 demographic! I was proud to be a mentor during those early years. In later years we enjoyed mutual friendships as fellow Kiwanis Club members. In 2001, I too, shared a link with the Bonin Family (wife Kitty). Terry McPhee has now become the latest inductee to SKY STUDIO, his passing is acknowledged by all those in the Sault Ste. Marie Fraternity of Broadcasters, simply stating............ "another tube has darkened.” Sky Studio can be viewed online, where all the names of our departed colleagues are enshrined.”
Lynn Hollingsworth, longtime Rotarian and involved over many years with the Easter Seal telethon remembers Terry with a great analogy to a band.
“I knew Terry through our years in Rotary. He was over six feet tall, a little heavier in those days. An imposing man! If one can be imposing in a jovial way, then that was Terry. When he attended Rotary meetings, he’d make an entrance bringing his positive energy. He never tipped toed into any room!
“I chaired the Easter Seals Telethon in the early nineties. I likened the on-air hosts to a great band that comes together once a year; performs their greatest hits, always ending the show with their signature hit blowing the audience away. Terry and Lou were always in the band! Later, Jill Armstrong/Braido and Jim Cronin became involved, along with others. Terry would have written or co-wrote all of the songs and was the lead singer.
“Each hour we would air the Provincial Easter Seal’s telecast giving us a twenty-minute break. I assumed the Band would use fifteen intense minutes to prepare for our next local segment. Not a chance! Maybe three minutes just prior to going live. “So, we have this company on the panel, Easter Seals Timmy, three cheque presentations and a matching opportunity. Got it.”
“They had played this gig before! Terry and the Band pulled this off every time. All showed compassion, respect, energy and sheer joy during each Telethon.
“They say that most of the on-air money is raised in the last hour, and “they” are right.
“Terry was the best! Could he bring it! He was our King of Rock and Roll, King of Pop, Chairman of the Board……….and a great Rotarian!”
Another former radio colleague and longtime friend, Hans Geenan recalls Terry’s sign off from every radio show he did in this tribute that Hans and wife Colleen posted:
“Dear Jill and family… our most sincere condolences on Terry's passing. I have such fond memories of our time together at CFYN which will last forever and although we only managed to get together the occasional time thereafter it was as if no time had passed. I’ll always remember his sign off at the end of his air shift....." Come get me Ma...I'm through."
Special Announcements:
From SooToday:
MCPHEE, Terrance James 'Terry' - Obituary - Sault Ste. Marie - Sault Ste. Marie News (sootoday.com)
From FirstLocal:
MCPHEE, Terrance James “Terry” - FirstLocalNews.com
From Arthur Funeral Home:
Terrance James McPhee Obituary - Sault Ste. Marie, ON (dignitymemorial.com)
Sault Star story by Brian Kelly
Terry McPhee article
FirstLocal story by Craig Huckerby
Terry McPhee article
Broadcast Dialogue newsletter
Video clips from 1986 Superthon television fundraiser for Easter Seals
Link to a segment of the Lou Turco Weeeknd Club on Oldies 93FM - a tribute to Terry