Scott Alexander Darbishire
Issue #80 - January 8, 2020
This edition of Sky Studio is dedicated to Scott Alexander Darbishire
This edition of Sky Studio is dedicated to Scott Alexander Darbishire who joined former colleagues in Sky Studio, Dec 2019/Jan 2020.
For Sault and area radio listeners, Scott Alexander - as he was known on-air here - was one of the legends of broadcasting for impressionable young teenagers, like me, and many others of all ages.
I’d be awake later than I was supposed to be listening to CKCY on my transistor radio in an era of local radio voices and a world of 1960s music that helped propel me - and likely others - into the radio/TV business. Scott, Ron Robinson, Jay Lee Smith, ‘Night train’ Lane Cunningham, Dick Peplow, Harry Burkman and more kept the broadcasting tubes hot at 920 Radio and created a radio era that will never be again coexisting with CJIC 1050 Radio and its own roster of legends.
Scott Alexander Darbishire left us sometime on/after December 31, 2019 at his residence in London, ON. He was born in Alymer, ON November 7, 1946. At time of Sky Studio circulation an official obituary could not be found.
In 1965 he graduated from a broadcasting program at Midwestern College in Denison, Iowa and worked at these stations he listed on Facebook: CHLO, St Thomas, ON; K-102, Woodstock; CFPL and FM-96, London, ON; CKPT, Peterborough, ON (in 1968 followed his time at CKCY); CKGB, Timmins, ON; WMBS, Chicago, IL.
Tom Douglas, longtime award-winning freelance writer, copy editor and author living in Oakville, was a coworker of Scott’s at CKCY: “I'm still reeling from the news I got a few minutes ago when I fired up Facebook. Scottie was the rock jock at CKCY-Radio when I worked there. The teenyboppers loved him. He was a fun guy and we reconnected via Facebook a few years ago. He always promised to visit from his home in London, Ontario but he never got here. We weren't close friends but this one rattled me for some reason!”
Fellow DJ at CKCY, Jay Lee Smith, from St. Francois Xavier, Manitoba: “I recall he did evenings, worked closely with Pat Bestall and moved to CKPT Peterborough from CKCY. Jocks shared an apartment nicknamed, The House of Lords.” It was was an old house beside the then Peachy's on Bay Street. Lee adds, “Sad to see so many of us youngsters now "checking out."
There are numerous fond tributes to Scottie on his Facebook and reading through them clearly shows he touched many hearts. I was one of his many friends on Facebook and noticed in recent months he had a habit of posting a ‘Midnight Snack Photo’ most evenings and many would reply with fun comments on his newest food creation. His last ‘Midnight Snack Photo’ post was on December 31 at 12:37 AM
Special Announcements
None available at time of issuing this Sky Studio
Brian Kelly, Sault Star reporter tells the city and area of the legend lost:
Scottie's Facebook