Dianne Rogers (Peplow)
Issue #77 - April 2, 2019
This edition of Sky Studio is dedicated to Dianne Rogers (Peplow)
This edition of Sky Studio is dedicated to Dianne Rogers (Peplow), who joined former colleagues in Sky Studio March 30, 2019.
CFYN’s Russ Hilderley kindly provided these recollections of Dianne ….
“Dianne was a dedicated staff member....diligent in her responsibilities prepping our daily logs.
She and Liz tolerated Woody's (Bob Wood, morning man) "loitering" in the front lobby after his morning "work of magic radio show".
“Bob's major source of his humourous "ad-libs, were well arranged and indexed in his brief case. Every morning, he'd hold court with the ladies, for at least 20 minutes to a half hour, at their busiest times. Dianne masterminded the scheme to curb Bob's enthusiasm for continuing to disrupt their morning.
“His constant routine was to announce his departure, by swinging his precious briefcase over his shoulder, as he bid farewell 'til the morrow! Dianne secretly unlatched the clips on his briefcase he'd always parked by her desk....and ....you guessed it....when he flung it over his shoulder with his "so long" salute...his personality flew out all over the radio station reception area!
“We all had a great gut busting laugh...and Bob...being who he is...laughed the hardest!
RIP Di.....with fondest memories,”
Russ Hilderley
Special Announcement