Albert Jones
Issue #68 - September 2018
This edition of Sky Studio dedicated to Albert Jones
This edition of Sky Studio dedicated to Albert Jones who joined his former colleagues in Sky Studio September 11, 2018.
The Sky Studio TV control room and studio shines brighter with the arrival of a master switcher, editor, performer, creative and promotional legend, with musical skills and a huge personality that warmed you just by being in the same room.
Dear friend and former colleague Albert Jones left us for Sky Studio where broadcasting magic goes on forever.
Behind the glass in the control room Albert had a crucial hand in creating memorable and award-winning commercials, productions, such as the Miss Bon Soo pageant and various Christmas specials, telethons, news features and the famous annual staff Christmas party videos.
Many will call to mind Uncle Albert in his Mouseketeer ears as he hosted a kids show on CJIC-TV for three years (followed by five more as Uncle Albert’s Movie Club) and a late night movie, the latter sponsored by the steelworkers union.
One of many favourite stories involving Albert is the time the last reel for the late night movie was not available and he went into the announce booth to narrate his recollection of the ending from watching the movie before, knowing full well that viewers that watched the first couple of reels would be desperately wanting to know the outcome.
Albert’s career in broadcasting also included a role as promotions director at CJIC Radio where he worked with programming and the sales department to develop contests and promotions amusing/attracting listeners and sponsors.
One involved Bicks pickles with Albert coming up with the idea to ride around town on a Honda motorcycle and people spotting him could get free jars of pickles.
In conjunction with the television art department, Albert also handled the creative content of the CJIC 1050 top 50 music chart that had a weekly circulation of several hundred at the then many radio, TV and record stores.
He accompanied long-time friend and TV colleague, producer director Jerry MacDermid on what were called ‘combat missions.’ Those trips to Europe with the Department of National Defence resulted in stories on Canada’s role in NATO illustrated by interviews with local/district reserve and militia soldiers stationed there. In addition to the actual television productions, many fun and memorable stories came out of those times with the troops in Germany that continue to make many laugh decades later.
Producer Wendy Hamilton who worked with Albert on many projects says, “I don't think of Uncle Albert as old, ever. He is eternally sharp, literate, and bursting with creativity. He represents all that was good about local television in its prime.”
Wendy has been instrumental in creating a series of community oral history interviews that are available on the public library website, including this one with Art Osborne talking with Albert.
(near the end - at about the 1’08” mark - is a poignant sign off)
The ‘Special Announcement’
Saultonline news item
Sault Star news item