Broadcasting was fun... wasn't it?
MediaFest, a 1995 reunion of broadcasting and media colleagues in Sault Ste. Marie was an historic event that can't be repeated - many who attended have left us, as recorded on the Sky Studio Honour Role seen on the Broadcasting page.
A video production called, "Broadcasting was fun...wasn't it?" created for MediaFest primarily by Jerry MacDermid and Albert Jones, included archive video/film footage and photos of eras gone by. Some of those now in Sky Studio are seen on this video, bring both a smile and a tear watching them now.
Click here to step back in time....Broadcasting was fun...wasn't it?
Old Time Radio, Sault Station Line-up
A group of former broadcasters and connected others, formed an Old Time Radio Players group recreating performances of radio show scripts from the 1930s and 1940s. 'Shows' were put on at most nursing and senior's facilities as well as a huge Christmas production, "1939" at the Canadian Bushplane Heritage'll see pictures of some of these events below...
From a performance at the Art Gallery of Algoma
back - Joe Petrolo; John Chambers; Sherry Fisher; Sue Barber; Fred Pelletier
middle - Bob Tisdall; Jim Cronin; Art Osborne
front - Carol Mclean; Helen Petrolo; Russ Hilderley; Shelley Wright
There’s over 200 years of broadcast experience on stage from a line-up of a dozen or so former Sault Ste. Marie broadcasters and current theatre performers and musicians. That's probably more eexperience on one stage at one time of any Old Time radio group anywhere.
Formed in 2003, the Old Time Radio (OTR) players, Sault Station performed a number of fundraising and 'fun-raising' events.
After a performance for Collegiate Heights residents
Marvelling at Old Time Radio costuming
Art, Wendy, Carol, Helen, Joe
Sylivia Osborne with Art, Shelley and Carol
Carol's script reaction amuses Joe
The late Dick Peplow and Sue, then back row Art, Jim, Russ, Bob, middle row, Carol, Helen and Joe with Shelley in front
At Windsor Park Hotel during a performance
At Pathways Residence show for residents
Joe, Sherry Fisher, John, Helen, Marg, Carol, Art, Sue at Bon Soo performance event
Joe, Helen, Carol and Neil Maclean
Sue and Carol
At Thesslon Curling Rink show - Joe and Art, Helen, Sue, Emily Columbo, Bob, Fred, Steve Paterson, Carol, Donna Latulippe representing Curling Rink Association
Some other links of interest:
Regrettably, this facility has closed CBC Museum closing
FYI Music News, co-founded by long time music commentator David Farrell, was acquired by Billboard Canada in 2023. Farrell published another industry publication The Record for 20 years, before FYI Music News. What remains on the defunct site still serves as an useful archive.
David Farrell was recognized in June 2024 with a lifetime achievement award:
Flashbacks from CJIC Television
In the days before computer created graphics, 'art cards' were land lettered/drawn/painted and used in television production by making a slide of them or putting them in front of a studio camera.
AT CJIC Television most art cards were created in the ealry days by Ken Danby (who became a renown Candian artist, Ken MacDougall ( media story here) and Bob Jenkins (media story here) who is also a well-known area musician. Some of Bob's work below:
Below, Lou Turco, Wolfman Jack and Art Osborne in CJIC Television studios during a local telethon. Wolfman Jack starred on WNBC-AM, New York, hosted a syndicated program on, "Live from Planet Hollywood", was featured in the song, "Clap for the Wolfman" by the "Guess Who, and played himself in the movie, "American Graffiti". It was quite a night in at CJIC TV with ‘The Wolf’, whose presence attracted a huge viewing audience calling in donations and making the telethon a huge success.
More on Wolfman Jack: